
Fishing Through Life,

Life Through Fishing

Ben Secrest is a California native and learned to fish from his father at an early age. He spent his youth fishing freshwater every weekend and graduated into saltwater fishing as a teenager. Alongside fishing, Ben has surfed since he was in his teens - he always enjoys spending time in the water.

Working in the fishing industry for over 35 years has given him the opportunity to fish globally throughout his career. With trips to Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, Fiji, Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Middle East, Oman, Dubai, and in the Red Sea as well as the Straits of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, he has knowledge of the fisheries and culture which has helped him throughout the journey of life.

Fishing is not only his passion but runs through his veins. No mater where and when - if it’s biting he will be there. He has passed on his passion to his children and enjoys educating the public on fishing any way he can

The saying "Life through fishing, Fishing through life" reflects his mission in life. He has worked at AFTCO, Shimano, and the last 15 years at Accurate Fishing as the Marketing Manager. He enjoys fishing new places and blessed to have these opportunities to learn something new every day. His mottos are “Life through fishing, Fishing through Life” and “One day at a time” which summarizes the way he lives his life.